Ten człowiek, bohater serialu kryminalnego, szuka, bardzo chce znaleźć,
chociaż świat naokoło mu nie pomaga, nie jest do końca rzeczywisty, nie ma
jasnej logiki. W świetle latarki jest pewna nadzieja, którą podzielam.
This man, hero of a detective series, is searching, he want to find, although the world around him does not help because it is not quite real and has no clear logic. In the light of the torch there is certain hope which I share.
This man, hero of a detective series, is searching, he want to find, although the world around him does not help because it is not quite real and has no clear logic. In the light of the torch there is certain hope which I share.
All paintings -acrylic on canvas, 2013-14, 160x120 cm